De compacte vision onderhoudsets bevatten alle onderdelen voor een grondige reiniging en smering van je wapen. In een handig compact koffertje zit alles overzichtelijk georganiseerd. Inhoud: zie onderaan
Lees meer...Our compact Vision Series Cleaning Kit line offers you everything you need to ensure a thorough clean. Its plastic tray keeps all the various pieces of the kit organized neatly inside a durable case that acts like a mini toolbox. Designed to clean .357 Cal / .38 Cal / and 9mm.
These cleaning kits come with cleaning rod sections, various hard bristle nylon brushes, jags, patch holders, and cotton patches. Also included is our durable polymer “T” handle for an easy grip and our mini bottles of Breakthrough® Military-Grade Solvent and Battle Born High-Purity Oil.
Kit Includes: